

I've yet to find my Zen zone.

When you think you're on the right path, but everyone keeps telling you you have to walk the other way and you try to argue your way out of the situation but to no avail. Do you break down and give in or do you fight your way and risk losing everything?


Cut, cut.

I've watched too many Oprah. -.- Makes me feel all nyek inside.
I need to call Cikgu, but I'm so lazy. I shall do it tomorrow.

So, back to Oprah. Now, in the brand new world with techno galore, I am able to have a heart transplant with my own heart! cool eh?!
It's confusing but cool. But mainly they use pig stuff. But cool. hahaha.

This guy is a helicopter toy fanatic. Those remote ones, you know?
And he accidentally cut his middle finger. AND HE GREW IT BACK!
He put this dust thingy on his finger, wrapped it with a bandage, and he has a finger now.
Apparently the fingernail on THAT fingernail grows faster than the others. :O

\watched bad romance. haha, amazed.
Have have have have to share this.

More personal, more for you.

What do I miss most? Having a decent, non-calling-one-another-stupid convo with my brobro.

Swear Oprah is the nicest celebrity. Watched 'Oprah's Best Viewer Surprises' the other day and I bawled throughout the whole hour.

Asked Mama tdy, what if I wanted to work? She didn't really object nor did she agree.
Where? Considering either Pizza Hut or Books Kinokuniya.
Haha she answered, 'That one you have to ask Kakak.'

Now, that'd be tricky. hoho.
Geog P2 was easier than P1 tdy. :D


Hello weebly.

Off to a new start. Feels much cleaner and neater here. ha!

Firstly. Dear Grandpapa, I'll always miss you.
Though I hate that you're gone.

It's been a year, unbelievable..\ I remember when I was bawling.

Secondly. I said at Blogger, 'I'm leaving for weebly for the new year ha!
And I have a very angry topic to rant about ):
I hate leaving that blog. I'm not deleting it tho.

Thirdly, here goes.
''Cannot blame him really. When it ultimately comes down to it, the rest of the religions can pretty much handle it. The Islam extremists and even some of the moderates cannot handle even the smallest references to their belief as if the world will come crashing down (no pun intended with the movie we are speaking about here). It really wouldn't surprise me if there was an outrage if he "destroyed" one of the Muslim structures/symbols. The devote followers of Islam might grow up and join the rest of us in the 21st century someday...."

'The one that got away' the title says. Got away? -..- Two noses for you SciFiWire.
And Roland Emmerich is being called a wuss! I do think he has a quite creative mind tho. 'Nuff said.

nosegay\NOHZ-gay\ , noun; 1. A bunch of odorous and showy flowers; a bouquet; a posy.
propitious\pruh-PISH-uhs\ , adjective; 1. Presenting favorable circumstances or conditions. 2. Favorably inclined; gracious; benevolent.

That explains the url :) A bouquet presenting favourable circumstances or conditions.
Credits: pipedowncate.tumblr /it looks cross-eyed aww
lurplurp, atiks.